History of Ham in Spain

History of Ham

Ham is one of the most representative and popular gastronomic treasures in Spain nowadays, known worldwide. Intimately related to the Spanish culture itself, vast forestry areas are specifically designated for the breeding of iberico pigs.

The ham it is not a recent market trend neither a new gastronomic comer. The ham, specially the Iberico ham, is considered by experts as a highly nutritive food which was already consumed during the Roman Empire, already 2000 years ago. During that time, the ham was just accessible by high-class citizens and the roman elites. In Tarraco, -currently city of Tarragona, Catalunya-, a 2000 years old fossilized ham has been found, details and references which contribute to consolidate the idea of popularity linked to the product itself throughout history.

With the fall of the Roman Empire and during the Middle Age, it is believed that monasteries and convents maintained the tradition for rearing and curing hams. Guided by historical studies and linked to the Agricultural evolution it is possible to illustrate the image of medieval countryside of greater number of farmers with Iberico pigs in semi-free regime. Current Iberico pigs breeds are probably a mixture of these original pigs initially brought by with wild pigs.

DOMPAL added-value services

Convenient product range

To simplify sourcing of products

Precise identification of the ham´s curing period:

An added-value service highly appreciated among our customers

Product availability along most of Iberico Ham P.D.O. varieties:

As a sign of our company´s expertise

Superior customer service

Maximising customer satisfaction through our own resources and experience

Sourcing recommendations

Assessment of new consumer trends and preferences

Close contact with our customers

Regarding both, orders and quality control issues


Based on the products themselves and on our extensive experience

Professional commitment

Regarding customers and products